
Showing posts from December, 2019
聞く宿題 The video was a Japanse YouTuber describing the reasons why she left Japan. She makes videos that can help increase the fluency of her watchers by enunciating her words clearly, controlling the speed of her speech, and using simple and contained vocabulary and grammar structures. It was really interesting to listen to her talk about her experiences using grammar and vocabulary that I could make sense of. By the end of the video, I generally understood her reasons for leaving, and I checked with her included a transcript of the video at the end to fill in any of the gaps and see if I understood correctly; which I mostly did. This was really fun to listen to because it felt authentic as it was a native Japanese speaker talking about her experiences but with enough control of the language for learners to understand 90% of it. I think it is really fulfilling to see how much the grammar structures we are learning now, and have learned, are used so commonly in Japanese speech - and