
Showing posts from March, 2019
ブログのしゅくだい6 日曜日のごご六時三十五分です ノートルダム大学での生活はたくさんしゅうくだいがありますから、とてもいそがしいですけど、たのしいとおもいます。 じゅぎょうはおもしろいので、そこに行くのが好きです。 りょうは新しく、きれいですが、にぎやかです!そこに260人にすんでいます! 私のルームメートは、ニューヨークしゅうの ブルックリンからきました が、 かみがながくて、 ラスタファリアンの 人です。 ともだちのコノリさんは、せがみじかくて、 一年生の 人です。 よく コノリ さんといっしょに1Bでえいがが見ます。
はる休みのリスニングのしゅくだい Over spring break I decided to watch a Japanese TV show on Netflix. The audio was in Japanese, and I used subtitles but they were also in Japanese as well. I did this so I could try to connect the audio with the texts in hopes of broadening my exposure to new vocabulary, grammar, and language mechanics/form. I watched the first two episodes of Good Morning Call because it seemed like an interested and cute premise from the description: []. The image I included is one of the official image headers of the show. Some of the main characters in this header don't show up until later in the show/series, I think, however. Since I watched 2 episodes, and each episode is around 43 minutes long, I ended up listening to 80+ minutes of the show; so almost 1.5 hours. The show is about a girl, Nao, who is in high school and buying her first apartment for herself. However, it turns out there was a problem with the leasing contract and the school heartthrob Uehara, a popular
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