I watched "森永ミルクキャラメル100 - beautiful Japanese animation" on youtube for my listening assignment. I thought the video was made really beautifully and minimalistically. While there was dialogue in the video, it was not overdone, and they use audio and visuals equally to tell the story. The video is about a new mother looking at her baby daughter and envisioning her as a grown woman after she gets frustrated with her. She lives through a series of moments in her life and then happily returns to the present, where her daughter is still sleeping on the floor. It is a cute video, one that I found I could follow the general story elements of pretty easily. I really enjoyed watching this because of how much I understand of the audio and the story as a whole. I was able to understand a lot of the dialogue, especially the more casual speech in the clip because of my Japanese learning in class. I remember the daughter saying "おいしくない” for example and I was really proud of recognizing that! Other parts of the dialogue I was able to pick up on as well because it was so simple and casual. There were some parts that were fast and more complex that I didn't understand as well, but I found it to be so rewarding that there were parts that I did understand, too.


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